Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Getting to Know the Blog!

This blog is here to just help the students and parents get to know me better. I will usually post different information every week or so about the class and how things are going. I would like to have positive feedback from both the students and parents at all times. For the students, I would like you just to every once in a while post a comment on here just saying what you liked about the lesson we just learned about and what you did not like about the lesson we just learned about. It does not have to be a long post but just enough information so I can get a feel for how you guys felt about the lesson. For the parents, I would like to have you post a comment just saying how you feel your child is doing with their homework. I would like to know if they are struggling when they get home or if they are finishing it early. I really want to stay in contact with everyone just to make sure we are all on the same page and everyone is doing their best. Thank you for your time in posting back! We are going to have a great year!

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