Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First Lesson: Solving Inequalities

Students, today in class we talked about the math subjects we are going to be going over for the next couple of months, the first one being inequalities. I wanted to give you guys a couple of websites to go over and look at so when we start on Monday you will have an idea on what we are going to be talking about. These links will just give you a basic idea about the math problems we will be learning how to do. Please do not stress over anything, I will be teaching you step by step on Monday how to solve these inequalities. These websites are only here to help you. Please let me know in any one has a problems getting these websites to load. Thank you! See you all on Monday for the first lesson!

Getting to Know the Blog!

This blog is here to just help the students and parents get to know me better. I will usually post different information every week or so about the class and how things are going. I would like to have positive feedback from both the students and parents at all times. For the students, I would like you just to every once in a while post a comment on here just saying what you liked about the lesson we just learned about and what you did not like about the lesson we just learned about. It does not have to be a long post but just enough information so I can get a feel for how you guys felt about the lesson. For the parents, I would like to have you post a comment just saying how you feel your child is doing with their homework. I would like to know if they are struggling when they get home or if they are finishing it early. I really want to stay in contact with everyone just to make sure we are all on the same page and everyone is doing their best. Thank you for your time in posting back! We are going to have a great year!

Don't Forget About My Website!

This blog is going to be helpful but do not forget about my website which will be even more helpful. This blog is just a way to communicate and get little information out. I will briefly talk about homework and the lessons but on my website that is where you will find all the homework and all the information about the lesson. Also on my website, you will find my contact information. I will not be posting it here in case someone is to get a hold of my information. My website will also have updates about the classroom and more general and personal information. Both this blog and my website are great, so please check them both out!

Rules of the Blog!

There are not too many rules to this blog but I just want to make sure nothing bad happens on here. Here are the rules:
1. Comment, Comment, Comment!
2. Feel free to post at anytime, hopefully if something is wrong or bothering you please email me or call me. I would like to keep it between the two of us and not get anyone else involved.
3. You may post links on here that you feel would be helpful if you find any but please make sure they are appropriate for our classroom and they are on task!
4. There is negativity allowed!